Dutch photographer


All things chic

Dutch photographer

One nifty leather wallet and smartphone case has been designed by Japanese design studio Wonderwall for Jam Home Made.Called the WWMK model, it features just the right mix of luxury with the urban cool provided by a nice chunky metal clip.read more


All things chic

Marc Jacobs

I don’t know about your boots but this winter you must have a hat. And what sort of hat you might ask? Well, the newest trend is the small 20’s style fedora hat, very flattering for any type of face. I found this cute red hat on villagehatshop for only 22.95...read more


Fashion Photography

cinematic photography

The work of Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf (b. 1959,  Hilversum) is often daring and provocative, dealing with social conventions and taboos in a clever, highly stylized way. A former student of Journalism, as he declared...read more