Dark and fascinating heroines

Lithuanian artist Natalie Shau is focusing on beautiful and dark heroines, disturbing little girls in rococo settings, solitary witches and sad ballerinas, haunting visions and nightmares brought all together in digital media using own photo collages, digital painting and 3D elements.

Natalie Shau, Ancora ImageNatalie Shau's Magic WorldNatalie enjoys creating strange, gothic feminine characters, somewhat dollish, vulnerable and yet powerful and considers to be in a constant search of that perfect art piece that really defines her surreal inner world.

In her work one can see traces of mythological imagery, fairytales illustrations, horror stories and Russian classical literature. Born in Vilnius, Lithuania, Natalie Shau also works as an illustrator for various fashion designers, music bands and publishers.

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All things chic

academy awards

Darren Hopes was always an illustrator. He had no doubt about what career he should choose, but, despite his feelings, he ended up studying...read more


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27 years old Russian artist Anton Semenov creates dark surreal digital-art pieces inspired by everyday life. Considering the world as today...read more


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Belgian artist Jonas De Ro has a bachelor degree and a master degree in audio-visual arts and his portfolio includes works from various fields...read more


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After studying Fashion Design for five years German artist Peggy Wolf decided that she loved drawing fashionable women more...read more


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Gemma Ward.

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin spring/summer 2011 (7-10 July 2010) gathers top German fashion brands and...read more


All things chic

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This is one of the trends I don’t think I’ll ever wear. I think it looks good only on skinny tall figures, “modellish” ones. Volume trend I...read more


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Dorote Zaukaite Villela from Kaunas, Lithuania brings beauty to the world with her amazing art dolls. Under the label of...read more


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All my favorite New York collections seamed to be influenced by "Charlie's Angels " era, the wild seventies. Marc Jacobs did a good job with its...read more


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Life hasn't been kind with Romanian artist Ion Barladeanu. During the communist regime he worked as grave digger and doorman, and after year...read more


All things chic

avantgarde fashion

We've seen quite a lot of spectacular fire red dresses on the red carpet in these summer months. Certainly the red color has always been present at glamorous...read more


All things chic

cotton handbag

Matthew Williamson's spring show told the story of a stylish nomad woman traveling around the world while keeping her cool, urban appeal. Ethnic...read more