Fragile girls in ink

Ashley Goldberg's characters seem very fragile, looking for true friendship and protection. She draws shy little girls, with plush bears in their arms, hiding in trees and in most cases being accompanied by cute kittens or elves.

Ashley Goldberg, Why So BlueAshley Goldberg, Why So Blue

Working especially with ink, this American artist believes great emotions can be captured in a simple gesture or mimic. Her illustrations tend to be simple, focusing on characters and using color contrasts, digitally added. Nowadays, she lives and works with her partner, Drew Bell, in Portland OR, enjoying a beautiful artistic life next to Isadora, their inspiring cat.

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I simply love the world that Seth Armstrong depicts through his paintings. He mixes realism with a touch of fictional; he knows how to more


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Californian Danny Roberts, a 23-year-old artist and thinker, as he defines himself, signs the unique fashion-inspired illustrations, mostly done more


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I would never have thought that creepy and cute could go together in a sentence. That was until I saw Kristen Tercek' more


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Melissa Moss has a very interesting tale. In the past she worked in publishing, but a full-time job in that field didn't exactly trill more


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Ashleigh Fedo from Ash Lethal likes our modern art blog and we couldn’t be more honored to feature the works of this more


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"We should be more like cats: soulful, stylish, and entirely unconcerned with others’ opinions" says artist Heather Mattoon, motivating more


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I simply love Kristiana Pärn's drawings. Her cute forest animal-characters make me think of children books and imagine all sorts of more


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Born in Avila, Spain, Raquel Aparicio is a 24 year-old artist and a talented illustrator with artworks published in media, more


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Gage Opdenbrouw aims at painting "the exterior world in such a way as to evoke the mysterious richness & vastness of the interior more


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Born in Hong Kong, raised in Vancouver, relocated to Berlin, Andrea Wan discovered more


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Sylvia Ji constantly surprises us with her beautiful paintings. Focusing especially on feminine figures (perhaps her own alter-egos), more